Faith Formation

Formation of our faith is an ongoing journey.  At our children’s baptism we planted the seeds of faith.  Over the years we take special steps in nurturing these seeds.  As a parish community, it is our responsibility to assist you, the parents (guardians) in your child’s religious formation.  We welcome you to enroll your child into the Faith Formation program here at St. Edwards.  Before registration, please bring with you or complete the following:

Register your family into the parish. (Contact parish office for more info)

Copy of child’s baptism certificate.

Suggested donation – $35 per student, $90 per family (3 or more students)

 FYI: If your child is planning on receiving the sacraments, Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation, they must attend Faith Formation for at least one year before reception of these sacraments as well as being a regular participant at Mass.

Our program is primarily intended for families who are registered at St. Edward’s Catholic Church.  We ask that as registered parishioners you actively participate in the worship activities and sacramental life of the parish with your time, talent and treasures.  This aspect of catechesis cannot be effectively taught in the classroom without it being first taught from the family life style and faith expression.  Remember, as parents, you are the primary educators and catechists of your children.

For more information, please contact Mary Chapman at 360 426-6134 or 360 701-7686