
Select UPCOMING EVENTS for WEEK events

Appointments with a priest: send an email [email protected]

Citas con un Sarcedote: mande un email en español a [email protected]

Baptisms are celebrated the last two Saturdays and Sundays of the month

Bautismos se celebran los dos ultimos Sabados y Domingos del mes


Hebrews 13:16  Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind.  THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!  WE APPRECIATE YOU! ☺ ~ STAFF

Looking Ahead to St. Edward Commitment Weekend

Altar Society provides and cares for Communion hosts, Sacramental wine, Sacred vessels, Altar linens, Priest vestments, candles, church incense and charcoal, flowers and anything else needed for the celebration of the Mass. Members host two major sales per year to contribute with additional parish expenses.

Men’s Club members meet for spiritual fellowship twice a month, host a monthly breakfast and partner with other groups to fundraise for the church.

Coffee Hour is hosted by several groups to provide a fellowship atmosphere.  Teams set up food and drinks, serve and cleaning up after the second Sunday Mass.

Spanish Prayer Group meets weekly in the Sanctuary.

Ministers below aid during Masses. Training is provided.

Altar Server

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Hospitality Minister (Greeter/Usher)



Also needed for Masses:

Singers for English Choir

Singers for Spanish Choir

Instrumentalist, Pianist, Organist, Guitarist

Mass Ministers Scheduler schedules Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Ushers, Readers and Sacristans monthly for all Vigil, Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation Masses.

Community Dinners offers meals to our disenfranchised and needy community on weekends at the Community Lifeline facility located in downtown Shelton.

Homebound Ministers take Holy Communion, pray and visit with those unable to attend Mass.

Rosary Guild members make rosaries for St. Edward parishioners and for where they are needed in the community.

St. Vincent de Paul members provide financial assistance to those in need.

Faith Formation: Catechist & OCIA Sponsor Team

Catechists are those called to serve through teaching, witness, prayer, service and building community.  Through our baptism, Jesus calls us all to teach the Gospel.  Being a catechist is a special way to do this.


Custodial, Windows, Monday Church Cleaning


The library needs someone to keep it in order and to promote use of resources on shelves. This is an under-utilized wonderful resource.


If you have any questions, please contact the office. / Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la oficina. 360-426-6134


La Sociedad del Altar proporciona y cuida las hostias de la Comunión, el vino sacramental, los cálices, los manteles del altar, las vestiduras sacerdotales, las velas, el incienso y el carbón, las flores y cualquier otra cosa necesaria para la celebración de la Misa. Los miembros organizan dos ventas por año para contribuir con gastos parroquiales.  Tambien se necesita mujeres bilingues, especialmemte para que ayuden con los funerales hispanos.

El Club de Hombres Los miembros se reúnen para tener compañerismo espiritual dos veces al mes, organizan un desayuno mensual y se asocian con otros grupos para recaudar fondos para la iglesia.  Tambien se necesita hombres bilingues para que ayuden con los proyectos grandes que requieren fuerza.

Hora Social es organizada por varios grupos para brindar un ambiente de compañerismo.  Los equipos preparan alimentos y bebidas, sirven y limpian después de la segunda misa, los domingos.  Se busca mas personas para ser resposables de la  coordinacion de la entera actividad por el domingo que seleccionaron.

Grupo de oración en español. Se reúne semanalmente en el Santuario.

Los ministros a continuación ayudan durante las misas. Se brinda capacitación.


Ministro extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunión

Minesterios de Hospitalidad (Colecta de dinero/Bienvenida)



También se necesitan para las Misas:

Cantantes para Coro inglés

Cantantes para Coro español

Musico, pianista, organista, guitarrista

El Programador de Ministros de Misas programa mensualmente a los monaguillos, ministros extraordinarios, hospitalidad, lectores y sacristanes para todas las misas de Vigilia, Domingo y Día Santo de Obligación.

Las cenas comunitarias ofrecen comidas a nuestra comunidad necesitada y marginada los fines de semana en las instalaciones de Community Lifeline ubicadas en el centro de Shelton.

El Ministerio para enfermos las personas llevan la Sagrada Comunión, oran y visitan a quienes no pueden asistir a Misa.

Fabricantes de rosarios hacen rosarios para los feligreses de San Eduardo y para quienes en la comunidad necesitan rosarios.

San Vicente de Pablo miembros brindan asistencia financiera a quienes la necesitan.  Buscamos miembros bilingues.

 Formación de Fe: Equipo de Catequistas y Mentores de OCIA

Los catequistas son aquellos llamados a servir mediante la enseñanza, el testimonio, la oración, el servicio y la construcción de una comunidad. A través de nuestro bautismo, Jesús nos llama a todos a enseñar el Evangelio. Ser catequista es una manera especial de hacerlo.


Conserjería, Ventanas, Limpieza de la iglesia los lunes

Areas Verdes/Jardinería

La biblioteca necesita a alguien que la mantenga en orden y promueva su uso. Este es un recurso maravilloso que no se utiliza lo suficiente.



Letter from Father Jim Lee

Dear sisters and brothers of St. Edward parish,

God’s grace and peace be with you all.

It has been a great blessing for Father John Paul, Father Chad and myself to be ministering with you these past months since July 1.

During that time, and even before we arrived, I heard of the deep concern of many about the initiative of Father Kaech to build a rectory and the beginning of a rectory fund. I want to thank all of you for being so generous in your gifts over these past years. It is a sign of your commitment and a willingness to stretch to meet a need at the time.

Much has changed. Your beloved pastor, Father Kaech died unexpectedly. We will celebrate the anniversary of his death on October 2 with an evening memorial mass for him.

Then the Partners in the Gospel initiative paired St. Edward and Saint Michael to become one new canonical parish family in the next three years. This will challenge us to work together collaboratively in seeking how best we can use our resources for the mission of the Church, to lead people to Christ, to share the good news of Christ at a time when so many turn a deaf ear.

Therefore, after discussion and deliberation with the St. Edward finance Council, I have decided that the rectory at St. Michael in Olympia is more than adequate for the three priests who will serve this new parish family now and into the future.

Because of changing circumstances, the rectory fund will remain intact at the parish revolving fund of the archdiocese accruing interest for the future. Only after further deliberation as we are forming our new parish family, will that money be used to address the future needs and mission of our new parish.

Since this money was designated for the building of a new rectory, if you have contributed and do not wish to allow this money to be used in any other way, please feel free to contact Jeanne at the parish office. We will return your contribution (according to our records) to you with no questions asked along with a word of gratitude. We are sensitive to your intent as you made these donations. We welcome your input and thoughts about how we might best use them for the future.

I ask for your patience in this three year process of becoming a new parish family. Let us pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit each step along the way. I am confident that the good work that God has begun in us will continue to unfold in the future.

I thank the members of the Finance Council for their service, wisdom and guidance for many years. We are financially stable and I look forward to the opportunity of growing stewardship, the sharing of our time, talent and treasures to meet the ever-growing ministry needs for our new parish family.

If you have any questions, please contact me, Jeanne, [email protected] and/or members of the Finance Council at the parish office.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Father Jim Lee



Eucharist Ministers:
We recognize the great privilege of sharing the Body of Christ with our brothers and sisters during Mass each week.  Have you ever considered the call to share Eucharist with our homebound brothers and sisters as well?  We have parishioners who can’t come to Mass but who would cherish a visit from Our Lord.  Please prayerfully consider this opportunity.   If you would like to extend your current ministry to include Eucharist Visitation, or would like more information about this ministry, please call Judy Hartford at 425.301.9255.

Thank you so much.




Daily Meditation

“If you were to die today, what would others say about you? What was in you that was beautiful, that was Christ-like, that helped others to pray better? Face yourself, with Jesus at your side, and do not be satisfied with just any answer.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta




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  1. Choose “Sign up as a parishioner,” enter the parish’s zip code, 98584 and select your parish 
  2. Register with your name and email address
You will be automatically signed into FORMED, during this Sign Up process.

 Programas en Español –formado la fe católica a pedido

  1. Elija “Registrarse como feligrés”, ingrese el código postal de la parroquia, 98584 y seleccione su parroquia
  2. Regístrese con su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico

Se iniciará sesión automáticamente en FORMED durante este proceso de registro.




St. Edward Catholic Church serves the Shelton and Mason County community in the Seattle Archdiocese. St. Edward is a parish filled with the joy of the Lord. We serve others as though we are serving Christ Jesus. We pray to further communicate our need for Jesus in our life. As we continue our faith journey let us never forget that Jesus is always with us.

We welcome everyone who is visiting, looking for a new parish home and those returning to the Catholic faith and are happy to serve you in Jesus Christ.



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