
Select UPCOMING EVENTS for WEEK events

Appointments with a priest: send an email [email protected]

Citas con un Sarcedote: mande un email en español a [email protected]

Baptisms celebrated last two Saturdays and Sundays of the month/Bautismos se celebran los dos ultimos Sabados y Domingos del mes


Hebrews 13:16  Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind.  THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!  WE APPRECIATE YOU! ☺ ~ From STAFF


If you would like to donate a pair of women or men socks for those less fortunate than us, you may bring them to the church.

Thank you for your caring and generosity!


Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!  If you or someone you know is willing to help clear out snow from the walkways and parking lot when needed, please let the office know so we can work out a plan.  Thank you so much!  As of today, November 18, the church does not have a snow plow or people to shovel snow.  360-426-6134




Advent Reflections

Six-week Advent sessions begin November 13, 10:00—11:30 on Wednesday mornings in the Social Hall at St Edward.

Break open the Sunday Scripture with Lectio Divina

Gain wisdom and watch a video reflection

Share prayer, insights, and God sightings

Meet other parishioners and share life and faith experiences

Deepen your own faith/life connection

Dec. 4th, 11th & 18th

**Online options are available on St. Michael’s website.




Please register on St. Michael’s website, or a registration sheet is available in the narthex at St. Edward

West Side Chapel address: 1835 Overhulse Rd NW Olympia

Contact Mary Chapman for more  information.  360 426-6134 ex.300 or education@stedsparish org

P.S We can carpool to the retreat and all families are invited!  See Mary



Santo Rosario a la Virgen de Guadalupe 1-11 Diciembre 7 PM



From our Pastor

Dear parishioners of St. Edward and Saint Michael parishes,

It is a great joy for me to be able to connect with you all after my installation as pastor of St. Edward parish. What an incredible journey this has been since July 1. Father John Paul, Father Chad, and I have been blessed in serving you. Thank you for welcoming us. I am so grateful to have Father Chad on our priest team.

Of course, this time of transition has had changes and challenges. I am grateful to the St. Edward staff in helping us to listen and respond to St. Edward parishioners’ concerns. Therefore, on behalf of the whole parish family, I want to address your concerns and offer clarity for the future.

It is important to remember the context of Partners in the Gospel. Because of the challenges facing the Archdiocese – not enough priests to cover all the parishes, financial constraints, aging infrastructure, decreased attendance at Mass and sacraments, etc. – Archbishop Etienne, in consultation with the Presbyteral Council and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council initiated Partners in the Gospel. After extensive consultation, the new parish families were established. This is a three-year process, culminating July 1, 2027.

With the sudden death of Father Kaech and the placement of an interim pastor – Father Bryan Ochs – the St. Edward community faced grief, loss, and much uncertainty about the future. I’m grateful to the parish staff of St. Edward’s and to Father Bryan for being present with the St. Edward community during that time.

The picture of the future is that rather than having one priest in residence serving St. Edward, we are serving both parishes as a team. Both parish staffs respond to your calls for emergencies, sacraments, questions, and conversations that you would like to have. We are equally available to everyone, even emergencies in the middle of the night.

All parish ministries at St. Edward and St. Michael continue in order to meet the needs of all parishioners. There have been opportunities for us to share ministry activities such as Bible studies, the relic tour of St. Jude, and the parish picnic; and in the near future there are opportunities for shared Eucharist visitor training and altar server development. We want to honor the uniqueness of each of our parishes as we get to know one another and begin to look and plan for the future.

Unfortunately, there have been concerns, rumors, and anxiety about the idea that St. Edward Parish would be closed. This is far from the truth. This is not the plan. Rather, it is our desire and plan to work together more closely so that each of our communities will flourish and increase in our uniqueness and commonality. We have so much to offer one another. As you have experienced so far, Masses, sacraments, faith formation, administration, etc. are continuing. We are here to serve.

It is important to remember that this is a three-year process. In the coming months, we will be establishing a joint Parish Council. We will be discussing ways to collaborate in ministries and parish life. We will follow archdiocesan guidelines and directives. We are proceeding step-by-step and will continue to listen to, consult with, and involve you in moving forward. Your part in this process and your prayers are essential.

If you have other questions or concerns, or if you hear rumors, please ask me, Father John Paul, Father Chad, or the parish staff for clarification. We are here for you.

As we begin a new Church year this Advent, let us together continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we may accomplish God’s will as we journey together.

Sincerely in the love of Jesus Christ,

Father Jim


Eucharist Ministers:
We recognize the great privilege of sharing the Body of Christ with our brothers and sisters during Mass each week.  Have you ever considered the call to share Eucharist with our homebound brothers and sisters as well?  We have parishioners who can’t come to Mass but who would cherish a visit from Our Lord.  Please prayerfully consider this opportunity.   If you would like to extend your current ministry to include Eucharist Visitation, or would like more information about this ministry, please call Judy Hartford at 425.301.9255.

Thank you so much.




Daily Meditation

“If you were to die today, what would others say about you? What was in you that was beautiful, that was Christ-like, that helped others to pray better? Face yourself, with Jesus at your side, and do not be satisfied with just any answer.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta




Go to formed.org/signup

  1. Choose “Sign up as a parishioner,” enter the parish’s zip code, 98584 and select your parish 
  2. Register with your name and email address
You will be automatically signed into FORMED, during this Sign Up process.

 Programas en Español –formado la fe católica a pedido

  1. Elija “Registrarse como feligrés”, ingrese el código postal de la parroquia, 98584 y seleccione su parroquia
  2. Regístrese con su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico

Se iniciará sesión automáticamente en FORMED durante este proceso de registro.




St. Edward Catholic Church serves the Shelton and Mason County community in the Seattle Archdiocese. St. Edward is a parish filled with the joy of the Lord. We serve others as though we are serving Christ Jesus. We pray to further communicate our need for Jesus in our life. As we continue our faith journey let us never forget that Jesus is always with us.

We welcome everyone who is visiting, looking for a new parish home and those returning to the Catholic faith and are happy to serve you in Jesus Christ.



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